Look for Sell opportunity in GOLD between 28th May - 1st Jun'09
Look for SELL opportunity in GOLD between 28th May - 30th May. GOLD may remain in range until next Monday i.e 1st June'09 and then it should give decent gains by 4th/5th June'09
“Sahaja Yoga Meditation sparks an awakening, which is the root of our existence and well-being.” –Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation
I am a seeker of Divine Love and Cycle research is my passion. My research is mostly astro oriented. I am of firm belief that there are natural factors which effect the nations, individuals, commodities price movement and ultimately markets.
GOLD dropped into 5th May by $25 from the highs around 29th & 1st Jun'09