Wednesday, December 10, 2014

EURUSD to Move Higher until 18-20th Dec'14

The EURUSD forecast for period 1st Dec - 20th Dec'14 was posted as shown in the chart. It was indciated that EUR was going to bounce after lows between 5th Dec - 7th Dec and going up into 18th -20th Dec'14

The actual performance as of 10th Dec'14 can be seen from another charted posted below the forecast.


Actual as of 10th Dec'14


Thursday, January 2, 2014

EURUSD to move sideways to UP into 18th-20th Jan'14

EURUSD is completing the Down move that was forecasted into 1st - 3rd Jan'14. From here it will move Sideways to UP into 18th - 20th Jan'14. There may be some volatile moves expected in both direction but likely to stay UP into 18th - 20th Jan. See the charts attached below:

Forecast for Dec'13 - Jan'14


Actual for Dec'13 - Jan'14

Follow up action in 2014 Compared to Forecast