Alternate Scenario 2:

GOLD has dropped this morning of 18th May as was projected. The revised outlook is projecting higher prices in GOLD by 22nd or 23rd May which will be a good selling point.
From the lows formed today or early 19th May, GOLD should start rising till 20th, then pullback little and continue to rise higher till 22nd or 23rd May'09
Last week GOLD followed the alternative scenario posted and this week it will see a pullback lower.
It will be likely down on Monday 18th May, then possibly in range for 2-3 days and going lower again by 21st May.
May 21st should be buying time again in GOLD
“Sahaja Yoga Meditation sparks an awakening, which is the root of our existence and well-being.”
–Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation